How can I discover ThetaHealing

Discovery is easy

So you want to discover ThetaHealing? That’s great! You have 2 options to chose from:

  • ThetaHealing consultation / session
  • Become a certified ThetaHealer

ThetaHealing consultation / session

You can contact any ThetaHealer (make sure you check the worldwide ThetaHealing website to check their credentials first), and arrange for a consultation / session with them. These are either in person, or via Skype / the phone.
The purpose is to work on something that needs to be healed.

Become a certified ThetaHealer

Becoming a ThetaHealer is a simple process of attending a course, and learning the techniques of ThetaHealing. The benefit of attending a course is that you get to work on yourself and resolve some things in your own life.
As a ThetaHealer, you get to practise ThetaHealing on your own, and you can even start to do consultations with others, and help them.