Basic DNA Practitioners

basic dnaThe Basic DNA course is the first course you can take to learn more about ThetaHealing®. It will teach you the basics about ThetaHealing®, and provide you with the tools that can help you make a change to your life.

Next Course

Location : Saint Petersburg
Date : 23 January 2015
Cost : 14’200 Rubles

Pre-requisites for practitioners Course:

– there are no required courses that you need to complete before attending this course.

Book Now

If you wish to book onto this course please contact me at “” and I will send you more details on payment options.

Class overview

In this class you will learn the techniques that will allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul belief systems. Some of these beliefs were created in your own life, since conception, and others have been externally imposed on you through genetic and ancestral memories, groups of consciousness’s and unresolved issues from your past life.

As the student you will learn how to identify your own beliefs as well as how to practice identifying them in others, and you will practice this with others in your class. This method of discovering beliefs will quickly reveal the systems of belief that could take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover, and it will show you how the body can replace limiting beliefs or feelings, with positive beliefs.

What you gain to learn

You will learn how to:
facilitate healing on emotional / mental / spiritual / physical levels
discover & develop your intuition & visualisation skills
attract your most compatible soul mates
locate limiting beliefs / feelings within your subconscious (and change them)
read or scan the body
read your future
understand the law of attraction and how to harness it
get rid of physic attacks, spells that have been cast, and curses
You will also learn:
a simple muscle testing technique
negative subconscious beliefs & feelings create obstacles in your life
protocols for healing a great number of conditions & diseases, and how to work with the energy that created everything
introduction to the laws of manifestation
about the 12 strand DNA activation
… and more

On completion of the course

thetahealerBy the end of the 3 days, you as the student will become a practitioner of ThetaHealing®, as a recognised ThetaHealer®. This will allow you to use these skills not only to work with yourself, but also to work with others, on a consultancy basis.

Additional Information

ThetaHealing® by Vianna StibalThe accompanying book that relates to this course is “ThetaHealing® – by Vianna Stibal”, and this covers all of the information and practical sessions that you will work through. However please note – to be able to practise ThetaHealing®, you will need to take part in a course, so that your instructor can help you and make sure you understand and get the exercises correct. Reading a book will provide you valuable insight, but wont teach you the practical side to becoming a ThetaHealer®.

If you want more information about this practitioners course:

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